A Dandy List Of Descriptive Real Estate Terms, Part 2

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

By Edward French

If you are buying or selling a home, the chances are good you struggle with the meaning of descriptive real estate terms. Here are explanations and definitions for more terms.

The Living Room and Family Room

In the event your home has both a living room and a family room, chances are you can differentiate them. It wasn't too long ago (really, it wasn't) when a living room was expected if a home had a family room. But today's new generation of builders is changing these old conventions, using the "Great Room" I had illustrated previously as their floor plan's designated "Family Room." The evolution of "Builderese" has got a lot of people bewildered, myself included, to be perfectly honest. I guess we can agree to disagree and consider this newfangled jargon an equivalent of what can be called a family living room.

Patio and Terrace

The patio and terrace are outdoor living areas that are paved with brick, slate or similar material. A patio is level with the ground around it. As for the terrace, it has areas of ground juxtaposed to it that are either higher, lower or both.

What's The Deal With The Solarium, the Sun Room and the Florida Room?

These terms are used to describe rooms with lots of windows (often on three sides). Oftentimes, these rooms have skylights in them. Based on my observation, there is no difference between the three rooms except in what they are called. These would usually be the rooms where you place winter plants to allow sunlight exposure, to sun them in the event of extremely nippy weather.

What is a Jack and Jill Bath?

A bathroom with two doors into it. It is frequently situated between two bedrooms with doors to each. The doors of these rooms lead to both the hallway and bedroom in other cases.

Waterfront vs. Water View

Simple - waterfront property boasts of frontage on the water and has a common boundary. Sometimes, the water is actually part of the property line. Water view just means water can be seen from the property. Sometimes there is a beautiful view. You may even be lucky enough to see the water from upstairs, as you gaze outside the window and notice the trees have just shed their leaves! But on the other hand, the view may be clouded by something, such as a new building or a new structure, unless there is some form of protection to prevent this from happening.

A good knowledge of real estate jargon can keep you sharp the next time you need to buy, or shop around for a new home. Till next time, we invite you to surf over to our site for all the real estate definitions you need to know about.

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